Monday, January 8, 2018

Status and Familial Stability

The status of the different individuals in Venice during 1540 to 1570 played a large role in how they acted towards one another. In general, it was found that the lower class of workers, called the populani, accounted for most charity in the city. Even though the populani accounted for 90% of the population, the average amount given was still larger then the higher patrician class.
The many disasters that occurred during that time may have contributed to the high average.

War, famine, and plague swept through Venice during this time, causing many workers to no longer have a job. In visiting the palace and a rich family's home, it is clear to see that the hindrance of trade would affect the higher class less immediately. This meant that the most damage affected the lower class that depended on trade and work daily to provide for their families needs. After seeing the destruction of these three factors, we can guess that the lower class had an increased desire to protect their family from the unknown. To discover the true nature of the populani's giving, researchers focused on the shipbuilders and sailors because they were an adaptive people that would most closely represent the overall people.

Among the records left to us, the most revealing are the dowries and other financial documents. The dowry was resources given to a daughter when she married to represent the amount of her father's estate she was entitled to. In reviewing the documents, the populani gave an average higher then the patrician class. At first these numbers do not make sense, as the higher classes would have more money. However, the dowry was a way for families to ensure the safety of their daughter and her new family. The heavy impact of recent disasters caused these families to provide a larger amount to ensure that their children would be able to survive. Not only were they concerned about their own family, but others as well. In some cases, women used their dowry to ensure other women's marriage. This was important because an unmarried and poor women would usually end up on the street as a prostitute. Giving a dowry to the poor women prevented them from having to use prostitution as a means to survive.

The lower classes also showed their charity through wills and financial documents. In many cases, the husband would leave their wife an equivalent or greater amount to the dowry given in the case that they died. Concerned about their wife, they would even state that they wanted the money to be provided even in the case of remarriage as part of a dowry. This showed a great concern for their wife, and emphasized the nature of lower class marriages. Populani saw marriage as a positive connection and lifelong companionship, differing greatly to the ideas of the higher classes marriages. The higher class used marriage to create connections and sustain their status. In addition, it is possible that charity was a means to salvation. The patricians used charity as a way to receive prayer. Though the populani may also hold some of this belief, it is estimated as a smaller amount then the populani.

Overall, the populani demonstrate a care for their community. They not only look for ways to ensure the safety of those they love, but also those in need around them. The poor market and unstable economy played a large part in their outward view. The economy has also seemed to create an understanding among the lower class of what it is like to have nothing and a desire to prevent anyone else from reaching that point.

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